Man Saves Holy Quran From Burning | Umer Ilyas Wins The Hearts Of Muslims Worldwide

2020-10-30 20

At an anti-Islam rally in Norway, a man set fire to a copy of the Holy Quran in front of a crowd. But it backfired quickly as Umer Ilyas jumped out of nowhere and pushed the man down, in order to save the Holy Quran from burning. Police intervened immediately and Umer was initially arrested. Muslims from all over the world are applauding Umer Ilyas for his courageous efforts. Umer states that he fears nothing and acted on his instincts to stop the man from committing such a horrendous act of burning the Quran that has hurt the entire Muslim community. Umer is a Syrian who has settled in Norway to study and escape from the ongoing war in Syria. Islamophobia has become a global epidemic that needs to be addressed right away. Prime Minister Imran Khan also highlighted the importance of countering Islamophobia in his UNGA 2019 speech. For more information on Umer Ilyas and his heroic efforts for Islam, watch the video.

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#UmerIlyas #AntiIslamRallyInNorway #OmarIlyas #HeroOfIslam #ManSavesQuranFromBurning #HeroOfMuslimUmmah #SyrianManInNorway #UmerIlyasFromNorway #Islamophobia #BurningOfQuranInNorway #StopIslamizationOfNorway #SIAN #DGISPR #TweetOfDGISPR #PMIK #UNGA19 #ImranKhan #ImranKhanUNGA19Speech #UnitedNation #CounteringIslamophobia #Syria #LarsThorson #ManWhoBurnedQuranInNorway #AleppoSyria #NorwegianManLarsThorson